Covid Safety
We hope you’re all looking forward to Purbeck Valley Folk Festival as we are. It’s been a long 18 months and we are so looking forward to having a cider/ale and watching some live music.
This year’s festival will have to be a little bit different to usual. This is what we’re doing to keep you safe. But on top of that, we want everyone to feel comfortable, so even if something seems silly to you, if it makes other’s more comfortable, please respect their space/decisions.
Please read the following carefully and help us to help you.
We want to keep everyone attending the festival safe and well so, although we don’t require proof of your vaccination or Covid status to enter, we urge you to perform a lateral flow test 24-48 hours before arriving on site. We’re making sure our team, volunteers and contractors test themselves too. Just because you are double-jabbed, does not mean that you are not infected and spreading the virus. Please test yourself before you come to the festival.
If you get a positive result, you need to follow Government guidance and get a PCR test. If you do have Covid, please do not attend. You can roll your tickets over to next year at no extra cost.
Test kits are available for free from all test centres, most pharmacies and you can also order them for home delivery here – please allow a few days for them to arrive.
If you’ve been in contact with anyone who might be infected and have been asked to isolate, please do not attend. Again, you can roll your tickets over to next year.
Falling ill at the festival
If you, or anyone in your party, starts to display Covid symptoms, (temperature, new continuous cough, loss or change of taste or smell) please contact our first aid team.
Please go straight home, book a PCR test and let us know as soon as the test result arrives at Everyone in your close party will also need to go straight home and book a PCR test as well.
Our First Aid Post is in the farmyard – just into the arena. Is is staffed when the arena is open and staff are contactable 24/7. If you feel ill or exhibit Covid symptoms at any time, please seek First Aid advice without delay.
Traffic light lanyards
Although some of you will feel perfectly safe hugging and mingling, and we are currently allowed to again (2-year-ago-me’s jaw just dropped at the thought of this!), Covid is still with us, and the past 18 months have affected us all in different way.
Please respect other people’s space. Some people are still keen to keep to their own space. You don’t know other people’s situations. Please help to keep everyone feeling safe, and respect their space.
We have put a traffic light system in place with lanyards. We have a supply of lanyards that you can ask for at the info desk.
If someone is wearing a:
- Red lanyard – please give them lots of space
- Yellow lanyard – they are happy to mingle and chat with a bit of distance. But really it means “Please don’t hug me”.
- If someone doesn’t have a lanyard they feel safe – but probably best assume that they’ve lost their red lanyard and they want space. But hey, you can always ask them if they want a hug?! (Just keep your distance when asking!)
Face masks & hygiene
Although wearing a face mask is currently optional, our team will be wearing masks when in close proximity to visitors in indoor spaces. We would ask you to do the same out of courtesy unless you are medically exempt.
Please take full advantage of the additional hand sanitising stations around the site and wash your hands regularly and ensure the little people in your party wash their hands more often.
We would encourage you to keep a suitable distance from anyone not in your immediate party wherever possible and wear a mask in busy areas.
If possible, please arrive at the festival in your own vehicle and don’t use public transport.
On arrival our team will ask you if you have taken a Lateral Flow Test, and if you have been in close proximity to anyone in the last 7 days who has subsequently tested positive for Covid-19.
Our box office staff will ask you to put your own wristbands on this year.
We are very lucky to have a large farm site for our small festival. We have plenty of space for everyone to remain socially distant if they wish. In our Fire Stage field, market and kids areas, we have opened up the pathways so that there is more than enough space for everyone to keep their distance.
We are also lucky to have some big barns with high roofs and good airflow.
In the case of inclement weather we ask that you please bring suitable clothing and be prepared to brave the rain. Remember the Friday of last festival? Eek! We all crammed in last time, but I don’t fancy it this year. I’m bringing a good rain mac, just in case.
We will have some one way systems in place for entering and exiting the area and moving from the barn area to the market and Fire Stage field. We also have queueing systems for the toilet and bars. Please adhere to them and respect the space of your festival-goers.
We have twice as many toilets as usual, and even more hand sanitising stations.
We have twice as many showers as previously, and we have an increased cleaning regime.
Other changes
Our food outlets and Fire Stage bar will be front-serving. Our main bar will be 50% queuing system for those who wish to remain at a safe distance from others.
Contactless payments will be encouraged although cash will still be accepted.
Covid-related FAQs
We’re lucky to have a massive site – we have space. The chances are we may not have to socially distance by the middle of August, but if you want to, we have plenty of space.
Q: Will the festival be going ahead?
A: Yes! And it will be a whole lot safer than any football/tennis match or nightclub!
Q: Will we need to take a lateral flow test to enter?
A: Although we don’t require proof of your vaccination or Covid status to enter, we urge you to perform a lateral flow test 24-48 hours before arriving on site. You can order them for free from the NHS here…
Q: Will we need to socially distance / stay in our bubbles?
A: You don’t have to – but please remember that it’s not all about you! We are remaining cautious – and no matter what your position, there will be someone else more blasé, and someone else far more cautious. We want everyone to feel safe so please be ware that your actions affect others’ enjoyment. Let’s all look after each other!
We’re lucky to have a massive site – we have space. If you want to keep socially distant, we have plenty of space!
Q: Will there be a ceilidh / barn dance?
A: Yes! Some people are more than happy to dance with others, but some aren’t. Our ceilidh callers have become well used to calling for solo/duo dances over lockdown. If you were at our Zoom ceilidh last August you’ll know exactly how much fun it can be wiggling and spinning without a partner! Hopefully we’ll be able to cater for everyone.
Q:Will the advertised artists appear?
A: Unfortunately, artists from overseas will not perform at SFF2021. Quarantine uncertainty has made it impossible for them to travel. Confirmation from our Government that double-jabbed artists would be able to come without having to quarantine for long periods has come too late. We do have a fabulous line-up of UK-based artists though.