Gabby Young


Gabby Young is a British singer-songwriter, guitarist and bandleader. She was the youngest member of the British National Youth Opera at the age of twelve . As a child she learned piano, violin and saxophone. In 2006 she presented a first album (Mole). Since 2007, she has worked with her band Other Animals , an eight-member band, the Gypsy , folk , rock and jazz combined and connects with a cabaret style. Her debut album ” We’re All In This Together” was released in 2010 at the band’s label Gift of the Gab Records . Download successes and performances at the Glastonbury Festival in the summer of 2010 brought a record deal with the label World Connection and a new edition of the album.
Gabby Young has now left her Other Animals behind and is playing with her new band and they’re sounding awesome. We can’t wait to welcome them to Purbeck!