BARAKA is a unique combination of musicians from Ghana, Trinidad, Dominica and Ireland. Each musician contributes his individual sound and style – Reggae featuring a Kora and Djembe, Township with a Calypso bassline, Hilife with Blues Harmonica, Soca with Balafon and Flute. Baraka features musical collaborations that you are unlikely to hear with any other band. and is one of the few bands featuring African and Caribbean musicians working together. Baraka is edgy, experimental and innovative without losing sight of the fact that entertainment is the key. The result is a heady mix of global beats, intricate rhythms and soaring melodies.
Baraka is fronted by Ben Baddoo, Master Drummer and Choreographer from Ghana, on Percussion and Balafon, delivering a potent combination of driving rhythms and subtle vocals. Ben has played with everyone from Vangellis to Temple of Sound, and was a major influence on Peter Gabriel’s early explorations of African rhythms. Chris Cobbson, also from Ghana, adds his unique brand of African and Jazz guitar. Chris has recently toured with Courtney Pine’s House of Legends Band, and has also featured with many well known jazz and African performers including Osibisa.. Royston Gage from the Commonwealth of Dominica brings in the Caribbean influence on bass. Tony Bailey from Trinidad on drums delivers the rhythmic heartbeat, and Brendan Whitmore adds the finishing touches with some explosive Saxophone, Flute and Harmonica.